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Listen to the MUSTN'TS, child, Listen to the DON'TS Listen to the SHOULDN'TS The IMPOSSIBLES, the WON'TS Listen to the NEVER HAVES. Then listen close to me - Anything can happen, child, ANYTHING can be -Shel Silverstein; "Where the Sidewalk Ends"(1974)

Location: United States

Thursday, January 08, 2009

I find it hard to believe my blog is still here. After almost 2-1/2 years, here it sits in cyberspace.

The babies in those pictures? Not-so-much anymore. Bear, my "little mommy" started Kindergarten this year. Kindergarten, actual school. She's still a little mommy, but now that baby doesn't figure he's a baby so much anymore and doesn't see how he needs more than one mother. As far as Booboo is concerned, one mother might just be one mother too many on a lot of days. Belle is so ready to be bigger (she did finally get taller, but her hair still refuses to grow much) that she occasionally has crying jags because she "wanted to be born first."

Probably, I'm feeling sentimental and that's why I'm drawn to this blog again. Probably, it's because I have one more belly bean I'm hoping to add to this world. Should all work out as planned, this will be my last pregnancy, my last newborn, my last entrance into new-motherhood. The sickness is making a slow exit, but I really think it's starting to leave me. Sciatica kicked in yesterday, but today isn't too bad. Will you be taking this ride with me? Are you out there at all?


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